「React源码之四」【前置知识二】 Fiber


Posted by 汪洋龙 on Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Fiber vs Stack Demo 👈


源码位置: react/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiber.old.js 👈

function FiberNode(
  tag: WorkTag,
  pendingProps: mixed,
  key: null | string,
  mode: TypeOfMode,
) {
  // Instance
  this.tag = tag;
  this.key = key;
  this.elementType = null;
  this.type = null;
  this.stateNode = null;

  // Fiber
  this.return = null;
  this.child = null;
  this.sibling = null;
  this.index = 0;

  this.ref = null;

  this.pendingProps = pendingProps;
  this.memoizedProps = null;
  this.updateQueue = null;
  this.memoizedState = null;
  this.dependencies = null;

  this.mode = mode;

  // Effects
  this.flags = NoFlags;
  this.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;
  this.deletions = null;

  this.lanes = NoLanes;
  this.childLanes = NoLanes;

  this.alternate = null;


源码位置: react/packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactWorkTags.js 👈

 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
 * @flow

export type WorkTag =
  | 0
  | 1
  | 2
  | 3
  | 4
  | 5
  | 6
  | 7
  | 8
  | 9
  | 10
  | 11
  | 12
  | 13
  | 14
  | 15
  | 16
  | 17
  | 18
  | 19
  | 20
  | 21
  | 22
  | 23
  | 24
  | 25;

export const FunctionComponent = 0;
export const ClassComponent = 1;
export const IndeterminateComponent = 2; // Before we know whether it is function or class
export const HostRoot = 3; // Root of a host tree. Could be nested inside another node.
export const HostPortal = 4; // A subtree. Could be an entry point to a different renderer.
export const HostComponent = 5;
export const HostText = 6;
export const Fragment = 7;
export const Mode = 8;
export const ContextConsumer = 9;
export const ContextProvider = 10;
export const ForwardRef = 11;
export const Profiler = 12;
export const SuspenseComponent = 13;
export const MemoComponent = 14;
export const SimpleMemoComponent = 15;
export const LazyComponent = 16;
export const IncompleteClassComponent = 17;
export const DehydratedFragment = 18;
export const SuspenseListComponent = 19;
export const ScopeComponent = 21;
export const OffscreenComponent = 22;
export const LegacyHiddenComponent = 23;
export const CacheComponent = 24;
export const TracingMarkerComponent = 25;

好家伙,函数 果然是 一等公民